
After a long hot day,the best thing is to take a dip in the pool. Its been a while since i swam there,so i told meself-ITS TIME!!! So i drag along my hyper kiddo-Jayden to tag along with me. I also brought along a new cheap gadget that i got for myself during the recent PC fair. A cheap and small underwater camera-Olympus 850SW(RM599). This small little fella just waiting for me to explore in the underwater mode.

I must say! It surprise me! Well , i am not expecting a lot, because the last time i use a underwater camera with casing is canon Ixus 860(it belong to my ex company),which cost more then 2k together with the underwater casing. Below are some shot that i took for my son and also some i must say-nice shot he took  for me too! Photographer, beware of this upcoming little Jayden ya :)

P5190039a view from bottom.

P5190025Jayden smiling underwater

P5190015Me trying to hold my breathe underwater

P5190010Still hyper no matter where he is

P5190044Stunt no 1

P5190049Stunt no 2

P5190050Stunt no 3

P5190051Stunt no 4

P5190056And me end it with a smile